With a double dose of espresso, banana, and a serving of nuts, this breakfast concoction gets you moving! I've tested this recipe with canned coconut milk, full fat Greek yogurt, and half-n-half, and the results have been equally delicious. I'm a cream, no sugar kind of gal... A cappuccino or dark brew with half-n-half. Black coffee drinkers may want a dairy ingredient with less fat while our cream and sugar friends should add honey or sugar or even increase the amount of dairy or banana.
A kitchen scale makes smoothie making easy! Just place the blender pitcher on the scale and add and weigh your ingredients. Smoothies are very forgiving; don't worry about being precise.
makes one 13 oz smoothie
- 4 oz (1/2 cup) espresso brewed over 4 oz (6-8) ice cubes
- 2 oz (1/4 cup) Greek Yogurt, Coconut Milk, or Half-n-half
- 2 oz (about 1/2) Banana, preferably frozen
- 1 oz (1/4 cup) Nuts, preferably blanched and/or soaked overnight OR 2 tablespoons nut butter
- 1-2 Tablespoons Honey or Maple Syrup or 1-2 dates, optional, to taste
deviations & tips
- To substitute coffee for the espresso, brew 8 oz (1 cup) of coffee the night before. Freeze half of it into ice cubes; refrigerate the rest.
- Soaking your nuts overnight yields a smoother result.
- Almonds, hazelnuts, and even peanuts work nicely in this concoction.
- Unless you need to dilute your brew, avoid adding additional ice cubes.
If you're using nuts and/or dates, add nuts, dates, and liquid ingredients to blender and puree for about a minute. Add all remaining ingredients and process until smooth. Enjoy!
Breakfast Espresso Smoothie with full fat Greek yogurt and chocolate coconut peanut butter