Bananas are cloying, lack character, and are an all-around disappointment of a fruit… At least that’s what I used to think until I stopped seeing them as a snack and started thinking of them as a sweetener. The internet is abound with recipes for banana ice cream, which consist of nothing more than pureed bananas. I want a scoop of frozen banana about as much as I want a scoop of frozen honey. But the banana’s weakness as a star can also be its strength as a supporting actor. Its abundance of sugar and pectin add plush and sweetness to more acidic fruits and create a nice scoop without added sugar or fat.
yield: about 1 quart
10 oz (1 1/4 cup, about 3) Bananas, very ripe
20 oz (2 1/2 cups pureed) Pineapple and/or Strawberries
1/4 Teaspoon Table Salt
Lemon or Lime Juice, if needed, to taste
Sweetener (sugar, honey, sucralose), if needed, to taste
deviations & tips
Feel free to adjust the ratio of fruits to taste. A higher banana ratio yields a sweeter scoop.
Have lemon or lime juice and some sweetener handy in case you need to balance the sweet-tart flavors.
Experiment with different fruits… Fruits that are more sour, like raspberries or blackberries, may just need more banana or some sweetener for a smoother flavor.
No ice cream machine? Making a small batch? Try frozen pops!
the method
In a blender, add your bananas and blend on high until liquified. If your bananas are very ripe , they should puree without issue, but if they’re not moving add just as much water as needed to get them going. Add the rest of the fruit and salt. Puree on high speed for about a minute or until completely pureed. If needed, blend in lemon or lime juice or sweetener to taste. Keep in mind the flavor will taste less sweet once frozen.
Churn in ice cream maker for 60 minutes or according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Banana Pineapple-Strawberry Sorbet