A simple whole wheat crust that's perfect for quiche and pot pie. For a double crusted pot pie, just double the recipe. To promote flakiness let the dough chill in the fridge for a couple of hours after shaping. Or use right away if you're in a hurry. For a vegan crust, use shortening instead of butter.

makes 1 single crust

  • 4 oz (1 cup) Whole Wheat Flour, plus more for dusting

  • 1/2 Teaspoon Table Salt

  • 1/8 Teaspoon Grated Nutmeg, optional

  • 1/2 Tablespoon White Sugar (if using for a sweet pie)

  • 3 Ounces (6 Tablespoons) Unsalted Butter or Vegetable Shortening, cold

  • 3 Ounces (1/4 cup + 1TB) Cold Water

the method

Blend together flour, salt, sugar (if using) and nutmeg (if using) in a mixing bowl. Cut butter into cubes and add to flour. Stir so that the butter is coated with flour. Using your hands, smash the butter into flour so that all cubes are smashed. Stir in water and knead lightly just until no large chunks of butter appear. Your dough should be about 65F to 70F. If it's not, refrigerate for about 10 minutes or more until it is. You don't want to be working with warm dough.

Flatten the butter pieces.

Flatten the butter pieces.

Stir in water.

Stir in water.

Knead until no large butter pieces are visible.

Knead until no large butter pieces are visible.

Roll dough into a 15” x 10” rectangle. Bring each 10” end to the center and fold in half like a book. Then, fold in half in the opposite direction. Check to make sure that your dough is still about 60-70F. If not, pop it in the fridge for about 10 minutes.

Remove dough from refrigerator. Generously dust work surface  and top of dough with flour. Sprinkling with flour as needed, roll into a 13" circle, about 1/8” thick. Gently place dough into a 9" or 10" pie pan. Fold-in or cut any overhang as needed. For a flakier crust, refrigerate for 2 or more hours.

To blind bake pre-heat oven to 350F. Line chilled crust completely with aluminum foil; making sure foil overhangs and covers the top of the crust. Fill with pie weights of choice and bake for 1 hour.

Fill and bake according to recipe instructions.

Roll into a 12"-13" circle.

Roll into a 12"-13" circle.

Uncooked crust ready for quiche!

Uncooked crust ready for quiche!